Saturday, March 17, 2012

Lawsuit of a Timelord - Part 2

"Guards, lower your weapons," a female voice said from just out of visual range. It was a voice with a bit of command to its tone.

"These people are not criminals."

A Time Lady stepped into range, wearing the heliotrope robes of a Patrexe with the head dress and collar indicating her station.

"My apologies. I am Castellan Solis. You are on Zenobia Station. As I said, you're not criminals, but there is a very serious matter to which we must attend. I'm afraid we need to impound your TT Capsule until the matter is resolved."

Castellan Solis produced a small mechanism from her robes and clicked a switch on it. Immediately, I hear all functions of my TARDIS stop and a temporal tether surrounded it, keeping it completely stationary, both physically and trans-temporally.

"We've had a very difficult time locating you lot," Solis continued, "This TT Capsule doesn't appear in any of our records and we can't locate yours," she indicated Sabrae.

"While could find Tristan's, " she paused for a moment to see if we would acknowledge the oddity that she would know Tristan by name. We, still being rather heavily intoxicated, did not, "This one changes Capsules too often to track."

Solis seemed pleasant enough, but did appear to have a sense of duty about her at the moment.

"I will be perfectly honest, we're not entirely certain who most of you are, but we will determine that in time. Do you know why you are here?"

At this point, I answered in the only way I could.

I vomited.

And then passed out.

I have no idea what happened in the interim, however, I awoke after some time with the rest of the Killing Time Alliance present in a well apportioned room and a supernova exploding through my brain.

Even through my galactic hangover, I could feel someone poking about in my mind.

Telepaths always amused me.

While all Gallifreyans possess some level of telepathic ability, and some even some telekinetic, there were a very few who were skilled enough to probe an unwilling mind. Clearly I was dealing with one of them. Not wanting to appear resistant, since I had no idea what was happening, I didn't try to block the probe out.

Instead, I concentrated on a Terran delicacy I'd encountered at one point called haggis.

"Yes, I felt it, too," Sabrae said from across the room, "Had a lovely conversation, but there is still no damn coffee here, regardless of which..." She trailed off.

For a moment, all of us (save Sabrae) struggled to regain an kind of coherent thought (an especially difficult task for me, owning to my normal mental state of having no coherent thoughts), and then the door opened.

In walked a Time Lord wearing the Sash of Rassilon and carrying the Rod of Rassilon. He was followed by Castellan Solis and two Chancellery Guards.

He looked at us, in our state our state, and seemed clearly amused.

"Hello. I am Lord President Sen..." He began.

"Senny! Nice to see you again!" I jumped up and offered my hand in the most friendly manner possible. The Guards stepped in and the Lord President stepped back in surprise.

"I'm sorry, have we met?" Sen said, clearly perplexed.

"Ah. No," I answered, "Not by my reckoning, anyway. But, you know, time travellers. One can never be certain."

The Lord President smiled a bit at this.

"Regardless. As I was saying, I am Lord President Sen of the High Council of New Gallifrey."

"Wait. There's a NEW Gallifrey? Weren't happy with the old model?"

Sen arched an eyebrow, but continued.

"We don't have any record of any of you, but you've been brought here because of a civil complaint."

"Ah. I'm The Madman," I said, again, offering my hand.

"Oh, good ANOTHER one who uses a title instead of a name," the Lord President said with a sigh, "Very well. What's your ACTUAL name?"

"Ah. That's where it gets sticky," I pointed to Sabrae, "See, she's the only one who knows, and she refuses to tell me. Or, anyone, for that matter. I think its because she's my sister."

Sen nodded toward Solis and she looked at Sabrae. Sabrae, in turn grinned a bit of a evil grin. For a moment, the room was silent, then Solis spoke.

"My Lord President, I can't read anything from her, but... Is there anything called 'coffee' on the station?"

Lord President Sen seemed confused for a moment, but decided to continue his explanation.

"You have been brought here on a civil matter. You had been contacted earlier and told to keep away from the Doctor. You failed to do so and he has come to me to resolve a civil matter. You're not prisoners, but we must insist you remain on Zenobia until the matter is resolved. The Doctor has asked me to have you all restricted to New Gallifrey and to deny your travel off world. I need to hear both sides of this matter before I decide.

"You will be provided a solicitor in this matter. We will begin the hearings tomorrow"

And so it was that we discovered the Killing Time Alliance was being sued.

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