Saturday, June 8, 2013

Regeneration Done Right

It took roughly a full Terran year, but Lestor FINALLY had his new Time Travel Capsule. Since it was a completely custom build (and, I will admit, impressive) it had been given the designation Type B, which didn't fit into the standard TARDIS designations, but apparently was short for Type Boobie.

Upon its completion, Lestor took it for a shake-down cruise, attempting to find us.

His new TTC had a fully integrated telepathic link to him. Unlike any of his previous capsules, his new one was capable of taking him to any point in space and time merely by reading his thoughts. No actual controls were needed. All he needed to do was think of a location, time, person or object, and the Type B would lock on and travel there.

The theory behind this type of navigation system was simple: if one eliminates the need for manually setting (or, in some of the newer TARDISes, verbally setting) trans-temporal coordinates, then it would not just simplify travel, but it would also eliminate any danger incurred by spilling food or drink on the console.

It is important to note at this time that Time Lords, while a tremendously stuffy and pretentious race while observed publicly, have a tendency to be a bit more relaxed while on our own, including such activities as eating muffins and having larger over our TARDIS consoles, which is often the reason we end up places we never intended.

As I said, this is the theory of this type of navigation system.

The REALITY, however, is somewhat different.

You see, the telepathic navigation systems worked TOO well.

It didn't simply interface with a Time Lord's conscious thoughts, but with the subconscious as well.

Actually, more accurately stated, the telepathic navigation system PREFERRED to interface with the subconscious.

Three hundred years after its design, the Time Lords would discover the reason for this is the navigation systems for the Type B were a bit...cheeky.

And so, Lestor consciously thought "I need to find my sister and The Madman."

A simple thought, to be honest.

What his subconscious thought, and, subsequently, what his TTC acted upon was "I REALLY need to find a nice pair of tits!"

And so, with remarkable efficiency, Lestor's TARDIS dematerialized and headed off through the Vortex.

Taking him to, perhaps, the one place he never expected to go.

His Capsule materialized in mid air, taking the form of a kite and automatically opened her main doors, proceeding to dump in out into the air.

Above Portugal in 2014.

Specifically over a topless beach in Portugal.

Lestor landed face-first into the cleavage of a well endowed Portuguese woman with black hair, and there, suffucated, with a smile on his face.

The woman, of course, screamed.

And again when he began regenerating between her breasts.